Narrative Text : The Story of Timun Mas

Dengan dimulainya tahun ajaran baru, saya menyajikan pada kalian semua contoh narrative text. . Dengan adanya artikel materi materi sekolah ini mungkin dapat membantu dalam penyelesaian tugas sekolah, persiapan ujian, dll. Semoga bermanfaat guys.


Once upon a time, there was a widow named Mbok Rondo who lived alone, because there was no one on her side, she felt and dreamed of the child. She said at heart “when I have a child, I tired of live alone.” And she thinks to call Buto Ijo.
One day, she went to the forest and she asked to Buto Ijo so that she had a child. Buto Ijo was ready to help her but with one condition. She must give the child to the giant when the child grew up. Finally, Buto Ijo gave her cucumber seeds.
Mbok Rondo planted cucumber seeds. Two weeks passed and the cucumber started to bear fruits, but there was one wich was large and shined like gold. Mbok Rondo picked the large cucumber and splinted it carefully. And it appeared that there was a cute baby was named Timun Mas.
After several years. Timun Mas grew up healthy and cheerful. One day Buto Ijo came to Mbok Rondo’s hut and she asked Mbok Rondo’s promise. Mbok Rondo was sad and she asked to Timun Mas to run away. She also gave her needles and shrimp paste.
Buto Ijo saw Timun Mas running to the woods. Buto Ijo was very angry, he rushed toward Timun Mas. When Timun Mas walked in far and hide area. Then she felt tired and she sat on a big stone, but Buto Ijo was kept rushing toward her.
Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas threw the needles, The needles turned into bamboo trees. The gian body was scratched and belt.
Buto Ijo tried to get him self out from the bamboo field. Then Timun Mas threw a shrim paste it became a big swam of boiling mud. Then the giant drown and died.
Finally, Timun Mas went home. On the way she met a prince. And then, Timun Mas married with the prince. They lived happily aver after.


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